A few weeks ago, Amy’s Angels delivered a handicapped accessible van to the family of Alex Barros. Alex suffered from recurring seizures from the age of 3 that become increasingly severe at the age of 10 when they became atonic seizures. Atonic seizures are ones where the body, without warning, goes limp. This creates a high-risk situation since the one experiencing it simply falls to the floor. As a result, Alex became wheelchair-bound.
At the age of 13, he underwent surgery to provide relief; however, problems occurred resulting in his being in a coma for three months. He now has additional issues with which to deal including being non-verbal among others.
I wanted to share with you some comments from his father, Ed together with pictures now, that Alex is no longer confined to the house all day.
Alex and I have gone shopping weekly, he is now part of the event again.
He, mom and I have been on walks along silver sands Beach or Woodmont area. They have handicap parking so it is easy to get him in and out.
He loves going out and going for the rides.
His happy game is to point out stop signs or street lights. He hollers GO when red turns to green!
This is just another wonderful example of the impact Amy’s Angels has on so many lives!